Finding Your Path
“You’re blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God.”
- Psalm 119 (The Message)
Sometimes I feel like too often I’ve just let life happen to me. That I haven’t been specific with goals or chased them with the passion that some people seem able to muster.
But then I’ve also tried to force it sometimes. Tried to establish projects that are outside of my skill set and experience. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but I’ve tried to make something happen that really isn’t part of who I’m meant to be.
Finding that balance I think is really difficult. How do we know when we’re following the path that we’re meant to be on, the one with purpose and meaning and success and fulfillment.
A friend, Nick Lenzi, was sharing his personal mission statement on his podcast recently, which is simply ‘to help people belong’. I love that. It’s broad and generic but in someways specific in terms of what he thinks his life, at the moment, should be about. It’s about serving others, but at the same time could also guide him in when to say no to projects or requests that don’t fit.
For most of us I think it’s hard to know what we’re all about beyond our family role or job title.
And I think we all want to be going somewhere fast. Making things happen.
But the Bible verse above says ‘steadily’. Step by step. I think usually only a little is revealed to us at a time and often it’s figuring out how, today, we can best serve the communities that we find ourselves being a part of.