Someone Else’s Story

Portraits. Documentary. Interviews.

Telling someone else’s story.

We all want to be heard and for people to understand us and know where we’re coming from. So what an amazing gift to be able to give to someone. Not just to listen but to be able to share their story with others too.

I heard the recommendation recently to make your social media bio not about you, but about what you can do for your viewers/followers. Which makes sense, to let people know what you can offer if they follow along.

We’re so caught up in our own stories that we forget the joy in hearing someone else’s. Except that’s what we do when we watch most movies. It’s someone’s story, whether truth or fiction or somewhere in between. And when we meet someone in person we get to play a small part in their story, hopefully making it a little better, and maybe making it known or helping them to share it.

Street portrait
Street portrait
Street portrait

A Brief Visit to England