24 Hours of Photography
I’m excited to see the 24 Hour project is back on after skipping 2020 due to Covid.
It’s just photographing for 24 hours straight, midnight to midnight. Tempted?
Many post an image to social media every hour, which I’ve tried before but I found it then tends to dominate the experience for me so personally I won’t be posting that often. I did my first 24 hour ‘photowalk’ in London, solo, before I’d heard of the global project. Then I did the same in Paris whilst I was living there, then most recently joined the project in 2018 in New York.
It’s not easy, especially the last few hours, but it’s a tremendous experience. In Paris I came across a car ad being filmed in the middle of the night, and in New York I photographed a pillow fight, a real fight and a turban-wearing world record attempt.
A few tips:
Ideally just take one small camera & lens, and a good power brick.
Have a rough plan of locations, at least for the first 14 hours or so.
Do it with a friend or two (last time in New York most people were in small groups but met all together for breakfast).
Comfortable shoes, of course. You don’t have to walk far but you probably will. In Paris I think I walked nearly 25 miles.
Manhattan, April 2018, 24 Hour Project