A Few In-Flight Movies

Maybe watching 4 feature-length films back to back is too much for one flight. Worth it though.

I initially had a selection of movies lined up in HBO Max on the iPad, but apparently it doesn’t allow you to even watch downloaded movies without an internet connection so that was a fail. That was for the outbound flight to England, and I later found that the Disney+ app is much better for offline use. There was a good selection on BA though and I ended up watching Dune and The Green Knight. Dune isn’t bad, but I just remember the book feeling epic and the movie somehow didn’t to me. The Green Knight was a lot of fun. Classic storytelling with humor and I loved the dramatic audio too. One of my top films of the year, and there was another to come..

Flying back I watched Ad Astra, Dunkirk, A Quiet Place II and just managed to squeeze in Terrance Malick’s Badlands before landing. All good, especially Badlands, but Dunkirk is really outstanding. Believable characters, drama and amazing cinematography. At a time when it can seem trivial to be watching a few movies when the people of Ukraine remain under attack, Dunkirk gives thought to some of the realities of war and shows human stories in the midst of horrific circumstances.

So I’m nearly up to my target 25 movies for the quarter, although I really need to start making more notes if I’m going to justify it as a study exercise. For the record though, Dunkirk, The Green Knight and The Tender Bar are my top 3 so far. And it feels so good to be able to travel again.


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