How Do We Find True Creative Expression

Often I feel like I’m playing it safe. Actually, most of the time. Doing what other people do, doing what’s expected and normal. Practicing and learning and trying to be creative, but not really being an artist. We get used to what we can do, what works, what’s safe and comfortable.

So I came across a few of these suggestions from an interview with Stephen Spielberg, but then added a few from elsewhere. Things we can do to be more truly creative.

1. Ask God. If you believe the world and all it’s beauty was made by God or a higher power of some sort, an ultimate creator - make that connection.

2. Keep dreaming

3. Use your own experience - what are you learning or feeling or struggling with?

4. Paper before screens. (Try just grabbing a blank piece of paper for 10 minutes or more. A notebook is fine too, but I find that I try to be too tidy in a nice notebook. Just let the ideas come)

5. Try to have clear goals/audience/intentions/mood/vision, so you know roughly what you’re aiming for.

6. Steal - what works and what fits from elsewhere, ideally outside your genre. Use what’s been done before and take it further.


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